Message Topic:-What do I pay?
PSALM 116:12.What can i offer the LORD for all he has don for me?
Psalm 116 is a song of thanksgiving. This may be have been written when King Saul was freed from the spear, from the tricks of his enemies, from the bonds of power, from the slavery of sin, and when prayer was fruitful.
1. PSALM 116:1, Ilove the LORD.
God loves everyone in the world. But there are very few people in the world who love God and David is one of them. David had the ability to put his hand on his heart and say, "I love God." David loved the works of God and the house of God.
David says the reason is this.
A. PSALM 116:1, hears my voice
B. PSALM 116:2, he bends down
C. PSALM 116:6 he saved me
D. PSALM :116:8 He saved me from death
E. PSALM 116:16 you havefreed me frommy chains.
We, like David, are asking us to love God, as God asked Simon Peter in John 21:15-18. David also shepherded sheep and then became king. God's people according to the scriptures as sheep.
I want to share something with you about loving God. If we divide a day into three parts, 3×8=24 hours, we have 8 hours for work, business or job for family support, financial interest. According to science, another 8 hours are used for sleep or rest in order to be healthy. In the remaining 8 hours, how many hours are spent with family, how many hours are spent with nature and how many hours are spent with God. In this, the more time you spend with God, the more you will be able to love God.
2.PSALM 116:13, call upan the Name of the LORD.
Prayer is like a bridge that keeps the relationship between God and man unbroken. This prayer begins in the time of Enosh according to Genesis 4:26. Prayer began after Adam reached the age of 235 years. David saw the face of God in prayer, and prayer keeps the believer from sin. A praying believer can see the face of the Holy One, so when the prayer goes to heaven, the blessing can come down to the earth.
Prayer is for a believer
1.Like a torch
2,A powerful weapon
3.secret weapon
4.Like breathing
5.Like a spine.
3.PSALM 116:4. I will keep mypromises to the Lord.
When we are in trouble and trouble, we should pay our debts according to Ecclesiastes 5:4,5. Some swear and confess like Jephthah, but tear their clothes and cry when they pay. But Psalm 15:4 says it like this. "He who swears to His own heart. and changes not.
Not:- Sr, I am writing to you the things that I have prepared in my 26 years of ministry in the meditation of the Word and the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I hope that by reading these thoroughly, your spiritual life will flourish in Christ.
-pastor. Kattupalli shadrach. Church of The Lamb.
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