TEACHING: The Trinity Beautifully Explained by Dr. Ravi Zacharias by Light Words Today Channel

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Interesting comments by so many.  Some are quoting Church Fathers.  However, go straight to the Scriptures and the profound is made simple.  Last I checked, the Church Fathers aren't on the level of the Scriptures--and, although closer to the "source material" of the world of the Scriptures, why go around the long way when we can cut straight to the Sources for truth and valid doctrine.

"Trinity" not found in Bible.  Correct.  But the concept is.  Incarnation is not found in the Bible.  Yet the concept is.  Rapture is not found in the Bible, but whether pre-mid-post-Trib, it is there as a spiritual truth.  Those in Christ will be caught away at some future point in human history.  

God in the flesh/God with us-Immanuel/John 1:  The Word was with God and was God and dwelt among us/Jesus saying before Abraham was, I AM/Jesus saying Unless you believe I AM, you will die in your sins/Isaiah 9:6/Revelation 1:  I Am the Alpha & the Omega, He Who was once dead but behold, I am alive and hold the keys of death, hell and the grave./"Elohim" in Genesis 1--Let Us make Man in Our image.../Matthew 28:  Baptise in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.   It doesn't say "Names" but "Name."  God is One--yet obviously revealed to be three in one...  

Hmmm, interesting...  There is a complexity to GOD.  He is one, echad.   Yet He has revealed Himself as three Beings in one.  It's not 1+1+1=3 but 1x1x1=1.  

Enjoy Ravi's amazing explanation of the Tri-unity of God in this video!  

And don't over-complicate the subject matter.  It's much more simple.  Its when we put our theology on the subject that it becomes so complex and seemingly difficult to comprehend.  God came and dwelt among us (John 1:14).  And He was with God and was God--the only begotten Son has declared Him.  Amen!

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