"If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small. Proverbs 24:10"
Scripture has acknowledged that there is a day of adversity: it is a day of highest opposition from the kingdom of darkness; a day when God allows the kingdom of darkness to tempt man. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ had His day of adversity, when the kingdom of darkness was allowed to crucify Him. Nonetheless, the strength of Christ grew even stronger, to overturn death by bringing resurrection, and totally defeat the devil and his cohorts of darkness. Job had his day of adversity; his wife even asked him to curse God and die, but Job kept his integrity towards God. Finally, Job overcame his trial and was restored twice over. Every Christian will face their day of adversity and God expects His children to always triumph over adversity. The scriptures, the Holy Spirit, the blood of Jesus, the name of Jesus, holiness, grace, prayer, etc are some of the tools or weapons to overcome adversity. Be Blessed!!
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