The Call For 10 Million Prayer Warriors and 10,000 Prayer Lines on Vision 20

This Is The Great and Urgent Call To 10 Million Prayer Warriors of the Nations Yes, Global Missions Vision is calling for 10 Million Prayer Warriors around the Globe to come together at this Vision 20 platform to pray for   Unity, Missions and Revival The Operation 10,000 Prayer Lines

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This Is The Great and Urgent Call To 10 Million Prayer Warriors of the Nations

Yes, Global Missions Vision is calling for 10 Million Prayer Warriors around the Globe to come together at this Vision 20 platform to pray for


Unity, Missions and Revival

The Operation 10,000 Prayer Lines for each city of the nations

Social media platform for minorities in 3000 languages


Vision 20 to come to pass and that there would be an increase of 20 percent of the population in our villages, towns, cities, counties. provinces and nations to come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior


Will you be willing to be one of the 10 million prayer warriors?

Will you be willing to be a prayer leader to facilitate your city prayer room on this Vision 20 platform?

Will you be willing to join online prayer rooms from your city?

Will you be willing to share the vision and goal?

Will you be willing to invite prayer warriors to come together?


We can do that through Vision 20”

From our home and our city

At our available time and date

Across the cultural and time zones

In nay national or minority languages

Beyond denomination and racial barriers


This goal will be realized when you:

Download Vision 20 app or

Register at

Lead or join your city prayer lines

Share this Vision 20 app or website to others

Preach or minister at these prayer lines


For Donations and Supports, Please send your check payable to:

Global Missions Vision

16027 Brookhurst St. Suite I-642. Fountain Vally. CA92708

Donation Through PayPal:


For more information, please contact us

WhatApp: +1 714 717 5663

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